Success Stories
The members of the New Zealand Hydropower Coalition will help you to make your power project a success. Deal with the professional team from New Zealand, who are very experienced at construction in the Asia Pacific region.
EPC (Samoa)
After extensive damage from cyclone Evan in 2012, several hydropower stations in Samoa were refurbished, and two new stations were built.
Esk Hydro (New Zealand)
Vortex Hydro staff led a contract to supply Mechanical and electrical equipment for the ESK Hydro project.
Brenwe (Vanuatu)
Vortex supplied the mechanical & electrical package, comprising 2x 400 kW Pelton turbines, new generators, control systems.
Ruu Creek (Papua New Guinea)
In 2019 Vortex Hydro was commissioned to undertake a major refurbishment of a twin crossflow turbine system in Papua New Guinea.
WestPower Amethyst
This project delivered a 23 bucket 6.5 MW Pelton turbine and other equipment.